McCauley Austin
McCauley grew up in Friendswood and at FBC and went to Arlington Baptist College, where he received a degree in Pastoral Ministry. McCauley came back to Friendswood Baptist after college, where he began working with our teens. We called McCauley as our interim when our long-time pastor Rick Austin passed away in December 2008. The Lord worked to lead us to call McCauley as our new pastor during that time. At the same time He worked to call McCauley to be our pastor. McCauley has served as pastor of Friendswood Baptist Church since May 2009. He is married to Brittni and has three sons: Asher, Oliver, and Seth. McCauley enjoys theology, working with his hands, and spending time with his family.

Mitch Gearner
Worship Pastor
Mitch was born and raised in Dallas. He was saved at age nine, called to the ministry at age 12, and attended Arlington Baptist College from 1981–1985. He began his full-time ministry at Northside Baptist Church in Carrollton, Texas, in 1981. He also pastored two churches, one in Oklahoma (1991–1997) and the other in Florida (1997–1999), besides leading the music ministries at several churches through the years. Mitch came to Friendswood Baptist in December 2015, as a part-time music and worship pastor. He began full time at the church in June 2018, leading our music as well as our seniors’ ministry. Mitch is married to Felecia, who serves in our church in various capacities. He has a daughter, Shanna, and three grandchildren, Maddy, Hannah, and Cameron. He also has a son, Kent, who is in full-time ministry in Idaho. Mitch enjoys recording music and spending time with his wife and grand kids, in addition to the ministry.
Deacons & Leaders
Our deacons serve the church and its visitors in their spiritual, moral, and physical needs. They provide an example for our members to do the same. Our deacons give oversight in the areas of missions, assimilation, finances, facilities, and the senior adult ministry, and serve as the church's trustees.
Our ministry leaders are key figures in organizing the church's functions. They lead and delegate assignments, while being an example of a servant. Areas of leadership include music and multimedia, discipleship, children’s church, outreach and reception, VBS and camps, and nursery and childcare.
Our ministry leaders are key figures in organizing the church's functions. They lead and delegate assignments, while being an example of a servant. Areas of leadership include music and multimedia, discipleship, children’s church, outreach and reception, VBS and camps, and nursery and childcare.
We have a wonderful group of volunteers who serve our church in areas such as administration, building cleaning & maintenance, nurseries, teaching Children's Church, discipleship and facilitating our praise and worship. Our church would not be able to provide all that we do without our wonderful volunteers. While there are many who serve, there are plenty of opportunities to serve at Friendswood Baptist Church.