How it all started...
Friendswood Baptist Church was started in 1983 as a mission of Calvary Baptist Church of Grand Prairie, TX. After our planting pastor left in the summer of 1988, Pastor Rick Austin stepped in to lead us. Initially this was to be temporary; however, in October of 1988, we called Pastor Rick Austin to serve as our pastor. Pastor Austin, or Preacher, as we affectionately called him served our congregation faithfully for 20 years. Sadly, Preacher was called home to be with our Lord in December of 2008. At that time, his son, McCauley, was serving on staff, primarily leading our teens. We called him to serve as our interim when Preacher passed, and then called him to serve as our pastor in May 2009. Pastor McCauley continues to serve as our pastor today.
While it is only fitting to talk about those who lead us, the story of Friendswood Baptist Church, is really the stories of the people who have participated through the years. Whether coming for a day, a season, or having committed their lives to our church, it is through the faithfulness of so many that we exist and have been able to see many trust Christ and follow Him in baptism and discipleship. If you are looking for a church home, we hope you will become part of our story.
Through the years, we have hosted Bible Schools, Camps and Mission Conferences; we travelled to Mexico and Ukraine for mission trips; we have served in our community through disasters and providing shelter for the homeless. These are all part of our story.
In March of 2020 the world changed and so has our church. We did not take this as a time to panic. From the beginning, we knew that we would emerge transformed. One of the effects of this transformation is that we have pieced together some guiding principles for our ministry. We are committed to ensuring that everything we do is discipleship driven, championed by members in our congregation and not done in comparison of or competition against other churches in our community. While some things have changed, we remain committed to being disciples who make disciples of Jesus.
While it is only fitting to talk about those who lead us, the story of Friendswood Baptist Church, is really the stories of the people who have participated through the years. Whether coming for a day, a season, or having committed their lives to our church, it is through the faithfulness of so many that we exist and have been able to see many trust Christ and follow Him in baptism and discipleship. If you are looking for a church home, we hope you will become part of our story.
Through the years, we have hosted Bible Schools, Camps and Mission Conferences; we travelled to Mexico and Ukraine for mission trips; we have served in our community through disasters and providing shelter for the homeless. These are all part of our story.
In March of 2020 the world changed and so has our church. We did not take this as a time to panic. From the beginning, we knew that we would emerge transformed. One of the effects of this transformation is that we have pieced together some guiding principles for our ministry. We are committed to ensuring that everything we do is discipleship driven, championed by members in our congregation and not done in comparison of or competition against other churches in our community. While some things have changed, we remain committed to being disciples who make disciples of Jesus.

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 10:00AM.