Online Worship Services

Sep 8, 2024    Pastor McCauley Austin

Jesus was crucified by political authorities. He warned His disciples that they would be brought before rulers and authorities, too. Very early in Acts, we see that the disciples are in fact brought before Jewish rulers and are strictly forbidden to proclaim the gospel. The threats turn to abuse and then to execution. Later, when the gospel is spreading throughout the Roman Empire it is not just Jewish rulers who are roused to imprison and prosecute disciples of Jesus, Roman authorities join in as well. Then, on down through the centuries, even unto today, political authorities try to stamp out Christians and churches, or else co-opt them as propaganda centers for political movements. They'll use any scheme they can so that Jesus' way is not followed through.

All this begs the question, "why?" Why are rulers so scared of Jesus? Is it because of theology? Most ancient societies as well as modern societies do not seem to have a problem with believing in God or many gods for that matter. Is it that they just cannot wrap their mind around someone raising from the dead and don't want people believing in such nonsense? Humans have long believed more wild tales than that phenomenon. Is it because they do not want people rescued from debilitating habits? It doesn't seem that they wouldn't want functioning, productive members of society. Hmm.

Why is Jesus so dangerous? We'll dive into this question this morning.