Online Worship Services

Jun 25, 2023    Pastor McCauley Austin

It seems that fear dominates ones heart whenever they think of the changing landscape of our culture. Sadly, those fears are not often dissuaded when one sits in a church service and the preacher is wringing their hands, as it were, over where things are headed...doom! Interestingly, we don't find this in 1 Peter. Peter addresses his audience, who are not only spiritual foreigners but truly foreigners in their new cities, inciting within them hope and encouragement. Perhaps, Peter was truly following his Lord Jesus, who was always quick to encourage Peter and the others with hope when preparing them for the pressures they were to face?

While the fears are real, we must return to the question we asked last week as we press on in 1 Peter; will we accept the encouragement this ancient text offers? This is the question that permeates our minds as we move on in our study of 1 Peter as Chosen Exiles.